Saturday, September 27, 2014

Yo Eleven, Front Line Winner, Yo

Out door events are always a gamble in Eureka but the end of September Is really pushing the envelope. We rolled the dice and the 11th Fair Wage Cafe was a front line winner.

Wonderful weather, the breeze was just stiff enough to keep the sun from driving people into the shade.

Amazing local musical talent. Sarah and BethIsbel played a set together that was out of this world. The Mad River Rounders played again and this time they had a new member, a young woman with a lovely voice. I will get a list of all the names and post it so I don't leave anyone out.

Local folks from around Humboldt, some friends we see often and others that we see to rarely. A community coming together to celebrate. We had speakers talk about the world of the working class, and two fresh politicians running for the city council. We are trying to turn our dirty little town around and these women look to me like they are up to that challenge, Natalie Arroyo and Kim Bergel.

This to me was what Bill envisioned when he put the idea of the Cafe out there. A place for peoples political action to be discussed with great entertainment and nutritious food created by the community. This the 11th Fair Wage Cafe was dedicated to the memory of our departed comrade Bill Holmes. Bill passed at the end of August. There are many people whose lives he touched. I think we did him right today.


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