Tuesday, May 14, 2013

DENIED Justice that is.

One shouldn't call it a Miscarriage as Justice was deliberately aborted at the Humboldt County Court House Today. Four days of complex testimony in a civil rights case and Arvid Johnson acting like a resident of "Rock Ridge" doesn't even take it under advisement? The stench of patriarchy permeated the air in the courtroom as the misogynist referred to Verbena as a bright young lady as he winks to the defendants. He ignored the law and allowed the police to make up any excuse to call a few people on the sidewalk an Unlawful Assembly. Blaming the victim for not stopping the thief when EPD stole her property. In spite pf the fact that he changed it multiple times Arvid claims to have found the testimony of the police officer credible. He disregarded the informality rules of small claims court for verbena requiring arcane rules of evidence be followed while allowing them to admit binders of evidence without even looking at it. Our Comrade Verbena stood up to the petty tyrants that run this city. She took her day in court but received No Justice.
photo by Animegirl

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