Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ending Mayhem

May has been a crazy month of wind, rain and disappearing sunshine. here are some pictures but it is impossible to capture the true meaning of occupy in electrons. Real life needs to be experienced in real time. Hope to see you soon.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Occupy Eureka goings on

A few days worth of random Occupy Eureka goings on. We had some folks out in Solidarity with Occupy Chicago to call for the end of NATO. We continue to hold our vigil every night starting at 9:30 pm. We also have need of more folks to occupy and to help with the filing of complaints.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Occupy Sunshine

The sun is out and the skies are blue where the fuck are you? We hung through the winter rains and bitter cold. We stuck it out while the police arrested us for no reason. We, the few, the frozen now the sun burnt have hung in to stand up for the freedom and rights of all of us. Why in the fuck are YOU not out there with us?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Random pictures from the PY

We started off the 8th month with a clean up followed by random crazy. Spoke to the board of supervisors and broke up drunk fights. We freaked the deputies out so they came down to watch and ended up arresting Wayne proving that nothing good happens when the police come uninvited to the party.