Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Eureka is too smart to buy into the Koch brother's lies.

The Economic Policy Institute’s mission is to inform and empower individuals to seek solutions that ensure broadly shared prosperity and opportunity.

The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank created in 1986 to  include the needs of low- and middle-income workers in economic policy discussions. EPI believes every working person deserves a good job with fair pay, affordable health care, and retirement security.  To achieve this goal, EPI conducts research and analysis on the economic status of working America.  EPI proposes public policies that protect and improve the economic conditions of low- and middle-income workers and assesses policies with respect to how they affect those workers.

The Employment Policies Institute is a public relations firm posing as a think tank.
They are trying to rip off the credibility of the Economic Policy Institute. They are run by lobbyists from Big Tobacco and Large restaurant corporations.

The liars that protect the Rich is quoting are so crooked they can't even solicit donations from people living in California. Out of State money from secret donors. They bought their signs in Florida and now they try to scare you with data made up by some phony institute that isn't even allowed to solicit funds in our state. The Rich will do anything to keep the poor poor. Their greed is insatiable so the people must stand up!

Yes on measure R

The New York Times blows the lid off the phony employment policies institute.

The real facts on San Jose one year after Measure D
from the local paper not some right wing pr firm.

"A year later, it is clear that raising San Jose's minimum wage has been an incredible success. The data shows that under San Jose's minimum wage, unemployment was reduced, the number of businesses grew, the number of minimum wage jobs expanded, average employee hours remained constant and the economy was stimulated.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the average number of hours worked in the San Jose metro area in 2013 is nearly the same as in 2012 (36.5 hours in 2013 vs. 36.9 hours in 2012).

The city reports that business is growing, with 84,000 businesses registered at the start of 2014 compared to 75,000 the previous year. Importantly, the leisure and hospitality industry -- the sector that includes food services, and where many minimum wage employees work -- experienced a net increase of 4,000 jobs in San Jose in 2013, according to the California Employment Development Department." San Jose Mercury News

That is 9,000 net new businesses any way you slice it. Massive growth not the gloom and doom of the prognosticators of “Protect the Rich”. The Data I report is from a Pulitzer prize winning newspaper from the City of San Jose. They are taking figures from a company that is paid to make make the numbers up.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Yo Eleven, Front Line Winner, Yo

Out door events are always a gamble in Eureka but the end of September Is really pushing the envelope. We rolled the dice and the 11th Fair Wage Cafe was a front line winner.

Wonderful weather, the breeze was just stiff enough to keep the sun from driving people into the shade.

Amazing local musical talent. Sarah and BethIsbel played a set together that was out of this world. The Mad River Rounders played again and this time they had a new member, a young woman with a lovely voice. I will get a list of all the names and post it so I don't leave anyone out.

Local folks from around Humboldt, some friends we see often and others that we see to rarely. A community coming together to celebrate. We had speakers talk about the world of the working class, and two fresh politicians running for the city council. We are trying to turn our dirty little town around and these women look to me like they are up to that challenge, Natalie Arroyo and Kim Bergel.

This to me was what Bill envisioned when he put the idea of the Cafe out there. A place for peoples political action to be discussed with great entertainment and nutritious food created by the community. This the 11th Fair Wage Cafe was dedicated to the memory of our departed comrade Bill Holmes. Bill passed at the end of August. There are many people whose lives he touched. I think we did him right today.


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Pride and Seek

Spent the day at Humboldt Pride seeking new voters for Measure R. Gave out signs and literature. Here are some pictures.
We are also doing a side of the road banner hanging every weekday from 4 to 6.